Leica @ PhotoPlus Expo

Eyewitness report from PhotoPlus Expo (comment from NikonRumors.com):

The show was busy, but not especially exciting. There really wasn’t anything new there. I did manage to get my hands on the new Leica MF prototype. It looks much better in person than it does in photographs. It’s very solid, very heavy, and has a really great rubber grip. The viewfinder is huge, but focusing was very, very slow. I mean really slow. They kept telling me, “this is just a prototype.” The lenses for it are gigantic. And as simple as the controls seemed to be, I was totally confused as to what they were for. There was one 3-position switch in which the middle setting was “FPS”. I asked the Leica rep what that meant. She told me “focal plane shutter.” I said, “yes, I know the camera has a focal plane shutter, but what does the switch do?” She couldn’t tell me. I bet it actually had something to do with the number of frames you can shoot per second.

Here are some video from the show (the Leica S2 is in the first video):

Day 0:

Day 1:

Day 2: