Leica D-Lux 4 vs. D-Lux 5: ISO comparison (part 2)

This is the second part of my Leica D-Lux 4 vs. D-Lux 5 comparison (see part 1). For today’s ISO comparison, both cameras were setup at aperture priority and 24mm f/2. All images were shot in RAW and then cropped and converted to jpg in Lightroom without any post processing (click on image for larger view):

Leica D-Lux 4 Leica D-Lux 5

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 80

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 80

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 100

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 100

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 200

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 200

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 400

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 400

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 800

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 800

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 1600

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 1600

Leica D-Lux-4 ISO 3200

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 3200

The maximum ISO of the Leica D-Lux 4 is 3200. The next two images are from the D-Lux 5 at ISO 6400 and 12800 which are only available for jpg format (if you are shooting RAW, the camera will automatically switch to jpg):

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 6400 (jpg only)

Leica D-Lux-5 ISO 12800 (jpg only)


Based on this comparison, the new Leica D-Lux 5 has an improved ISO performance compared to the old D-Lux 4 across the line, especially at ISO 800-3200. The two new ISO levels (6400 and 12800) of the D-Lux 5 are only available when shooting jpg and have significant loss of details.

You can see an an additional Leica D-Lux 4 vs. D-Lux 5 vs. V-Lux 2 ISO comparison here.