New book: “Leica M Advanced Photo School”

In addition to the new Leica M9 book here is another new Leica book that is currently available for pre-order – Leica M: Advanced Photo School:

“The ultimate Leica guide-written by the company’s top technical expert-now includes the Leica MP. This classic source contains a goldmine of technical information and insider knowledge, and covers Leica’s famed lenses plus every film model from the M1 through the MP-along with schematic diagrams and explanations of metering, focusing, flash systems, film advance, and more.”

Here are few more Leica books:

50 years Leica M:

Leica: Witness to a Century:

Photographer’s Guide to the Leica D-Lux 5:

Leica M Digital Photography:

My Life with the Leica:

The Leica Rangefinder Way:

Lars Netopil: Prototype Leica:

35th anniversary of Leica Historica:

And some street photography books:

“Street Photography Now” book (read more on that book here):

“The Americans” by Robert Frank:

…and of course any Henri Cartier-Bresson book.

The new Leica Compendium book will be released soon: 500 pages, 700 illustrations. Check LFI’s bookstore for more Leica books titles. You can also see a previews of many Leica books on Google Books.