Leica Camera’s board proposes dividend of €1.83 per share

The Leica Camera AG Board presented the Leica Camera AG annual report today. At the same time, it adopted a resolution containing a proposal on the appropriation of profits. On the corporate level, the established manufacturer of cameras and sport optics products achieved a 19.3 per cent increase in turnover against the previous fiscal year (01/04/2011 – 31/03/2012) to arrive at €296.8 m (previous year: €248.8 m). The operating results (EBIT) were €58.7 m (previous year: €41.5 m), which represents a significant increase (41.5 per cent).

The Board proposes the payment of a dividend in the amount of €1.83 gross per share for fiscal year 2011/2012, which ended on 31 March 2012. For fiscal year 2010/2011, the corporation paid a dividend in the amount of €0.30 gross per share.

Alfred Schopf, chairman of the Executive Board at Leica Camera AG: ‘We are delighted by the excellent results, which are primarily based on the demand for our camera systems. Our sport optics products have also recorded double digit growth rates. These results show that our product and innovation strategy is delivering the sustainable growth we aimed for in setting out on this path. And we will not deviate from this path in the future.’ The Supervisory Board has not checked the annual accounts and consolidated accounts yet. The accounts will not be made public until the Supervisory Board has appraised and approved them.