Leica APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2.0 ASPH lens delayed

Today Leica Camera sent an update for the delay of the APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2.0 ASPH lens ($7,195.00). No specific delivery date was given:

“As you are aware, Leica is dedicated to producing products that exhibit mastery in optics and mechanics, high quality design and outstanding craftsmanship. Our engineers and designers constantly strive to meet the challenges set by those with the highest expectations and only after extensive testing and quality control exercises is a product deemed worthy to enter the marketplace.

Due to the extraordinary technical requirements of the new APO Summicron M 50mm/f2 ASPH lens, the manufacturing processes are complex and sensitive. We regret to inform you that the first shipment of the APOSummicronM 50mm/f2.0 ASPH has been delayed due to technical reasons as we actively work to determine a stable production process for this new lens.”