The latest Leica Camera videos


Rolf Sachs describes his conceptual long-term “Camera in Motion – From Chur to Tirano” project in this video shot with the Leica M. The work, which was taken with the Leica S-System, was presented at St. Moritz Arts Masters 2013.

Yvan Rodic, also known as the FaceHunter, finds that photography allows him to share his experiences. In this video, he takes to the streets of Paris with the Leica C to capture moments and people he hasn’t met before.

Peter Turnley reflects on his long career as a photographer and his relationship with Paris. His new book “French Kiss – A Love Letter to Paris” is on sale now:

2013 marked the 47th year of the Montreux Jazz Festival that takes place every July in Montreux, Switzerland. Leica Camera’s Michael Agel was on hand this year to serve as the official photographer of the event.