“The Leica M Photographer” book giveaway winner announced plus a 40% off coupon

The winner of the “The Leica M Photographer” book giveaway is @_loicjulien. Congratulations!

For everyone else: here is a 40% off coupon for the eBook version of the “The Leica M Photographer – use LEICAM during checkout:

This coupon is available only on rockynook.com and is valid worldwide.

The Leica M Photographer” is also available for pre-order on Amazon USAmazon UK, Amazon Germany, Amazon France, Amazon Canada, Amazon Japan, Amazon Italy and Amazon Spain.

Book description (you can see the table of content and few sample pages on rockynook.com):

“What it is and what it isn’t.

This not a camera manual for the Leica M, nor is it a book that will teach you photography. Nevertheless, in Bertram Solcher’s book you will learn a whole lot about your camera and how to use it, and about the art and craft of photography. This book contains a collection of illustrated essays that are meant to reveal the secrets of working with a rangefinder camera. To be more precise, with the best camera ever made. The book’s ultimate goal is to ignite your passion for the kind of spontaneous, minimalist, and creative photography we admire in the works of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Joel Meyerowitz, and other great Leica photographers.

All Leica M model cameras, both analog and digital, use rangefinder technology. Because of its design, working with a Leica M requires a more methodical style of photography where the photographer must slow down and exercise attention and purpose. Using these cameras is both challenging and rewarding.

With a Leica M, you can mingle discretely within your environment to capture candid, exciting, insightful images. Bertram Solcher, a professional Leica M photographer for over 35 years, demonstrates how to use this unique camera in a practical and effective way. Solcher’s enthusiasm, substantial experience, and technical expertise will help you learn the skills necessary for creating masterful photographs with any Leica M camera.”

Check also all Rocky Nook photography books on Amazon and rockynook.com.