Leica Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 lens proof of life

I reported the first rumors about a new Leica Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 lens back in May. It seems that we are now getting closer to the official announcement of this lens because the product page already exists: if you go to http://de.leica-camera.com/Fotografie/Leica-M/M-Objektive/Summaron-M-1-5,6-28-mm you will get access denied page (403 Forbidden):

instead of the regular “404 not found” that usually comes up when you type a wrong URL, for example: http://us.leica-camera.com/Photography/Leica-M/LeicaRumors:

All this means that the dedicated new Leica Summaron-M 28mm f/5.6 lens page already exists but it is not yet active. The same was the case with the Leica M-D Typ 262 camera before it was announced.

The big question is what other pages are out there ready to be published. Try your luck by changing the last part of this URL: http://de.leica-camera.com/Fotografie/Leica-M/M-Objektive/Summaron-M-1-5,6-28-mm – if you get 403 the page exists, if you get 404 there is no such page.