The new Oprema Jena Biotar 75/1.5 lens for Leica M-mount comes with rangefinder coupling


As I already reported, the new Oprema Jena Biotar 75/1.5 lens for Leica M-mount will have rangefinder coupling. The lens is already listed for funding on Kickstarter. The full press release can be found on

Additional information:

The Biotar 75/1.5 is probably the most legendary lens ever produced in Jena, Germany. It is a six lens gauss type optical scheme whose design dates back to the year 1927 when famous lens designer Willi Merté developed his first Biotar which was designed for cinematography.

In the 1930th Merté continued to improve the Biotar lenses among which the 75mm/1.5 reached legendary status. The Biotar 75/1.5 was first introduced in 1938, sales began to pick up with a presentation at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1940.

But due to second world war and to its high price at the time it remained a very special lens for the selected few. Until today it has become one of the most expensive vintage lenses easily selling for over a thousand dollars – if you get a usable one.

Its sharpness at the center in conjunction with a dramatic swirl bokeh is legendary. At open aperture the Biotar 75 is as sharp as can be in the center of the image and it renders the famous and sought after swirling bokeh to the side. The image gets an almost three dimensional complexion with the object stepping out in front of the viewer.