Leica Q2 trademark registered in Europe


Leica has registered the Leica Q2 trademark in Europe. You can see the details of the application at tmdb.eu (click the screenshot above for larger view):

The German trademark for Q2 (Word) was filed on 29.09.2017 for goods and services in class(es) 9 at the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO). The current status of the trademark DE302017109928 Q2 is ‘application’.

The Japanese website Nokishita reports about another registration for a new Leica camera (unknown model number) with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The camera will have the same radio parts as the Panasonic TX2 and Panasonic GX7.

Back in 2012, Leica trademarked the “M11” name.

Via PhotoRumors