Leica digest #48

Leica M10 half case.

Rare Leica M6 ETH Special Edition camera listed on eBay for $60k – Leica build only three of this unique models for the ETH Zürich Institution in 1987. The camera was intended to be used for extreme technical environment. It may be one of only Leica cameras ever made specifically for B2B.

3D-printed Leica square lens cap for 28mm and 35mm lens hood.

The B&H buying guide to Leitz Cine glass.

→ THE ENGLISH – Interview with Ian Berry.

→ Faszination Leica M – Leica Camera Schweiz (in German).

→ Scott Brennan: Leica Society Photography Grant Winner.

→ 5 things about the Leica M6 that I don’t like.

→ Leica M10 impressions.

→ New Leica promo video.