Leica Camera announces free educational programming and photo challenges

Leica Camera has announced an online series of complimentary educational talks to help bring the community together over our shared love of photography and help provide the tools you may need to stay active with your cameras and continue to build your skills, while safely social distancing during this challenging time.

To extend this program further, Leica is announcing a weekly social photo challenge to coincide with the Akademie talks. Each Monday (starting this week), @LeicaCameraUSA will announce the photographic challenge, inspired by the theme of the Akademie talk from the Sunday before. Photographers will be encouraged to share their photos on social using #StayHomeWithLeica to enter. Attendance at the Akademie talk is not required to enter the photo challenge.

A winner will be chosen and announced on @LeicaCameraUSA that following Saturday. The winner will receive a feature on the Leica Camera social page, as well as a complimentary bespoke Leica Akademie class ($150 value). The Akademie class topic can be curated to the winner’s interest and professional objectives from getting to know a Leica camera better to learning how to edit and process images. Owning a Leica is not required to benefit from the Bespoke class.

Comning soon:

CreativeLive also offers some free on-air classes.

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