Leica M10 Monochrom availability


Here is a report on the availability of the Leica M10 Monochrom camera from a reader:

I was able to get ahold of my Leica rep and ask about the M10 Monochrom availability. The rep confirmed that they are heavily back-ordered, and that the Leica factory has been shut down. The bodies are made in the Portugal factory. It has been shut down since January. [News reports say Portugal shut down in March.] And they are just starting to work again, like one day a week because of social distancing. So I guess this pandemic has really put a kink in the whole deal. They haven’t manufactured even one of the Leitz Wetzlar bodies yet. They’re even further backordered than the standard edition. Now the rep told me that they might start seeing some trickle in June, but many people had orders already with money down, they will fill those orders in the order they were received.

Update: I was told that all Leica Limited Edition cameras will not start production until August/September timeframe. This includes the M10 Monochrom Wetzlar edition and the new Safari lenses. Capacity will be limited.

Basically we will not see any Leica M10 Monochrom camera until the fall. Check M10 Monochrom availability at:

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