You can now buy 7Artisans lenses for Leica M-mount directly on LeicaRumors with free international shipping

You can now buy 7artisans lenses for Leica M-mount directly at the PhotoRumors online store with free international shipping. Orders will be shipped directly from the manufacturer and delivery will take 1-3 weeks depending on your location. 7artisans lenses are sold in the US (Adorama | B&H | Amazon US) but are still not available in many other countries:

Additional information on the available 7Artisans lenses for Leica M-mount:

7artisans 28mm f/1.4 lens for M-mount (previous coverage)

7artisans 35mm f/2.0 lens for M-mount (previous coverage)

7artisans 50mm f/1.1 lens for M-mount (previous coverage)

7artisans 75mm f/1.25 lens for M-mount (previous coverage)