Leica to reissue “The Decisive Moment”? (The Decisive Moment Remastered)

Leica Camera AG is rumored to publish a new and “enhanced” seventieth-anniversary edition of Cartier-Bresson’s book “The Decisive Moment”:

Matthias Harsch, Leica Camera AG’s Chief Executive Officer, explained that the photographs will be “digitally enriched” to show what the original photographs would have looked like had Cartier-Bresson used the latest iteration of the Leica camera and lens he used in the first half of the twentieth century.

Here’s an excerpt from the press release: “The stunning photographs in The Decisive Moment Remastered will reveal how the maestro’s classic images would appear had he used the Leica M10 Monochrom camera (MSRP $8,295) and the APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH (MSRP $10,595) lens. The finest details are rendered with more than fifty percent contrast, enabling sharp images with superb corner-to-corner detail rendition in all photographic situations.”

See the rest of the news for today, April 1st:

What else is new? (April 1st edition)

Source: stare.com