Leitz prime cinema lenses tested by Shift 4

Shift 4 tested their newly acquired set of Leitz prime lenses – see the full article here. Additional information:

What do Cyrano (Feature) shot by Seamus McGarvey BSC, ASC, ISC, Anatomy of a Scandal (Netflix) shot by Balazs Bolygo BSC, HSC and the highly anticipated period drama Mr. Malcolm’s List (Feature) by Tony Miller BSC have in common?

They’ve all been shot on the new Leitz Primes, and a set is now available for hire in the UK exclusively from Shift 4.

And to give our members an expert review of the new Leitz Primes, Shift 4 invited a group of highly regarded Camera Operators, Cinematographers, DoPs and Focus Pullers for a lens test.

With the likes of Peter Robertson ACO, SOC, Assoc. BSC, Chris Ross BSC, Jamie Cairney in the room, Shift 4 then wrote a comprehensive article all about how the Leitz Primes performed during the lens test and the short film they shot.

You can read the full article here, which comes with downloadable 6K RAW rushes from their lens test.

The overall response was that the LEITZ PRIMES have:

Consistent illumination & resolution

The technical and stylish Leitz Primes are full frame, fast and spherical, designed from the ground up and very different to other Leitz lenses. There are 12 focal lengths available at Shift 4, ranging from 18mm to 180mm.