Charles Gatewood’s Leica M2 with 50mm dual-range Summicron lens listed for sale on Craigslist?

First I should mention that I do not trust most Craigslist listings and a lot of the Craigslist ads I believe are fraudulent.

A reader sent me an email that Charles Gatewood’s Leica M2 with 50mm dual-range Summicron lens is currently listed for sale on Craigslist:

“You’re not reading this unless you know who Charles Gatewood is. This is the camera he used for many of his legendary photographs. It’s yours for a $16,666 donation to my favorite nonprofit organization. I’ll consider a significantly lower price if it’s purchased by a museum or other nonprofit.

No shipping; local transaction only.”

Charles Robert Gatewood was an American photographer, writer, videographer, artist, and educator, who lived and worked in San Francisco, California (Wikipedia). Some of his photography can be found here and here. Gatewood’s book Wall Street was awarded the Leica Medal of Excellence for Outstanding Humanistic Photojournalism in 1985: