Leica digest #123

→ B&H Photo will celebrate its 50-year anniversary with a new Bild Expo that will take place on September 6-7 at the Javits Center in NYC – it looks like this can be a replacement for PDN PhotoPlus Expo which got canceled during the pandemic and slowly disappeared.

Leica firmware master list.

Leica Q3 review: The next generation of excellence.

New workshops by Leica Photo Workshops:

→ The new Leica Cine 1 laser TV will be available in stores this September.

Interview with a Leica Repair Master: Youxin Ye.

The Nazis, The Rabbi and the Camera: an American photographer and rabbi undertook a lengthy investigation to find the descendants of Jews who were saved thanks to the director of the Leitz family business, which manufactured the iconic Leica camera.

→ New: Think Tank Photo Venturing Observer Travel Series.