Is this the first leaked picture of the upcoming/rumored Leica M11-D “Black Paint” camera?

Take a closer look at the above picture. I am not talking about the unique, one-of-a-kind, Leica M lens with a serial number 1 out of 1… look behind it… Now, remember the latest rumors about a Leica M11-D “Black Paint” camera?

The above-pictured camera does not have the front button from the Leica M10-R black paint version and it also does not have a battery compartment in the front found in most film cameras. Unless I am missing something, the above-pictured camera could really be the rumored Leica M11-D “Black Paint”. If you also know that Instagram account’s owner, everything will make even more sense…

For comparison, here are a few existing black paint cameras (M10-R, M-P 240, MP):


Previous coverage of the rumored Leica M11-D black paint camera can be found here.