Leica price increase

Update: it seems that the price of the M9, X1 and S2 will stay unchanged, everything else will go up (including M lenses). I will try to get the complete list.

8% – 15%

All Leica products will go up in price in the US starting January 2010. The expected price increase will be between 8% to 15%. This will make the Leica M9 even more desirable and… unavailable.

Besides getting on the waiting list at your local dealer, I still believe your best chance to get a M9 is B&H:

Black M9 @ B&H

Steel Gray M9 @ B&H

If you remember my previous post – I received notifications that at least two M9s were shipped from B&H to readers of this blog – they placed their orders on November 20th. B&H did not take pre-orders before that date, so they did not have a waiting list.

Ebay currently has two M9s for sell.

Back to the prices: for example the new MSRP of the Leica D-Lux 4 will be $880 (currently selling for $699 at Amazon). I will try to get the complete price list and will post more details.

I have no information on a price increase in other countries.

A new hand strap for Leica X1 is expected. Delivery in January 2010, price: $100.