Top 10 LeicaRumors posts for January 2015


These are the top 10 most visited LeicaRumors posts for January 2015:

  1. Rumors: the new Leica Monochrom camera will be announced in February/March
  2. Now you can buy a smartphone with a Leica lens
  3. New Leica M 240 Map Camera 20 anniversary limited edition announced in Japan
  4. Why I switched from a DSLR camera to a Leica rangefinder with Mark Wallace
  5. Henri Cartier-Bresson “Pen, Brush and Camera” documentary
  6. Current Leica rebates extended, now include also the Monochrom camera ($750 off)
  7. Leica M 240 US price increase rescinded?
  8. Ralph Gibson – Live at Leitz Park (video)
  9. New Leica M-E set with two lenses offers $2,395 in savings
  10. Craig Semetko’s video on how to use a Leica M rangefinder is back online