Leica M10 vs. M vs. M9 vs. M6 vs. Q vs. SL size comparison

one last comparison: #Leica Q, M-E, MP, M10

A photo posted by LeicaRumors 🔴 (@leicarumors) on

Several size comparisons between the new M10 and other Leica cameras:

Leica M10 vs. Leica M Typ 240

Leica M10 vs. Leica M9

Leica M10 vs. Leica M6

Leica M10 vs. Leica Q

Leica M10 vs. Leica SL

Via camerasize.com

For additional Leica M10 coverage please follow the new Leica M10 Facebook group and Leica M10 Facebook page. Leica M10 pre-order links:

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