Ebay finds: “scratched” Leica M9, custom underwater housing for Leica M240



Some interesting eBay finds: the first one is a “scratched” Leica M9 camera with “deliberately made heavy scratches on top and base plate” for that special Lenny Kravitz limited edition look.

The second eBay find for today is this custom-made underwater housing for the Leica M240 camera by The Sexton Corporation. The housing is certified for depths of 41 meters and includes a set of 3 focus and aperture rings that fit 50mm, 35mm and 21mm lenses:


There have been only a few underwater housings for Leica M cameras in the past – the one from Subal which was announced last year, then there was this one for the Leica M8 and this rare model from 1970 designed for the Leica M4 (sold in WestLicht in 2011).