The Leica APO-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4 lens is discontinued

Erwin Puts reports that the Leica APO-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4 lens has been discontinued:

“The M-system, once the backbone of the Leitz and Leica companies, is in danger of becoming a niche product and while still being a cash cow for the company, has no future and will not generate new sales. The annual sales of between 10,000 and 20,000 is not enough to increase the revenue to the level that the company owners and managers want to generate. The fact that there is a new edition of the Thambar and a discontinuation of the Apo-Telyt is significant. By the way: with the disappearance of the 135 mm the classic name of Telyt also vanishes.”

The Leica APO-Telyt-M 135mm f/3.4 lens is priced at $3,995 and is currently in stock at B&H, Adorama and Amazon.