The Leica M-mount is 70 years old today


Seventy years ago (February 10, 1950) Hugo Wehrenpfennig filed the patent for the Leica M-mount. The patent for the M-bayonet (“Bajonettvorrichtung für die lösbare Verbindung zweier Kamerateile”) was registered by Ernst Leitz GmbH at the German patent office on 10 February 1950 and published on 23 October 1952. Hugo Wehrenfennig was credited with the invention. The Leica M mount was officially introduced at the 1954 Photokina show with the Leica M3 as its first camera (Wikipedia). Here is the original patent filing:

Leica M-mount patent in English:

Leica M-mount patent in German:

Via Apotelyt