Top 10 LeicaRumors posts for August 2021




These are the top 10 most visited LeicaRumors posts for August 2021:

  1. A LeicaRumors reader bought this rare Leica IIIg black paint camera in 2019 for $23,800 and sold it for $477,000 in 2021
  2. Here are a few pictures taken with a Leica APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2 ASPH lens with a broken aperture
  3. The Leica x Medicom Toy BE@RBRICK collaboration is not a camera
  4. Upcoming 7artisans and TTartisan lenses for Leica M-mount: 28mm f/5.6, 35mm f/1.4 Double ASPHERICAL (AA), and more
  5. Voigtlander HELIAR Classic 50mm f/1.5 VM lens for Leica M-mount officially announced
  6. Funleader Contax G 35mm f/2 to M-Mount conversion lens review
  7. Leica is one of the ten things Jason Momoa can’t live without
  8. New lenses for Leica L-mount from Panasonic and Venus Optics
  9. Cosina will soon announce a new Voigtlander HELIAR Classic 50mm f/1.5 VM lens for Leica M-mount
  10. New Leica camera 2416 registered in Indonesia