Leica M10 Monochrom camera listed as discontinued

The Leica M10 Monochrom camera is listed as discontinued at B&H Photo and Classicconnection:

The camera is “On Backorder” at Adorama and out of stock at Leica Store Miami. There is only one M10M in stock at Amazon and at Reddotcameras (UK). Meister-Camera in Germany still has the M10 Monochrom in stock.

The new Leica M11 Monochrome already leaked in one of the Leica FOTOS app updates (code name “Rene”):

Two new Leica cameras under development: code names “Wilson” (Leica Q3) and “Rene” (Leica M11 Monochrom?)

Confirmed: codename “Wilson” is the Leica Q3 and codename “Rene” is the Leica M11 Monochrom