Leica Q3 vs. Q2 low light comparisons

Leica Q3 vs. Leica Q2 low light comparisons  (thanks Ala’a):

So this evening again I captured a few pictures using the Q2 & Q3 cameras. The first test images were made using ISO 100, F/1.7 and 1/30-sec, and I left the AWB at automatic, and each camera selected a different temperature: the Q3 set it at 3,300k while for the Q2 it was 4,750k. For both images in Lightroom I adjusted the temperature to a mid-point = 4,000k.

All images were captured in RAW and the adjustments were made in Lightroom (only temperature and exposure enhancements were made). Here is an exported small JPEG of the Q2 image before enhancement:

And the result from the Q3:

The Q2 image enhanced by +5.00:

And the Q3 enhanced image:

Then I set the ISO to 50,000 on both cameras and took an exposure at 1/1,000-sec + F/1.7. This time the Q2 selected a temperature of 3,950k and the Q3 selected 3,600k. I set the setting for both images in Lightroom to 3,800k.

The Q2 image:

And here’s the Q3 image:

Leica Q3 pricing and pre-order options:

Americas Europe Asia

Leica Miami

Tamarkin Camera

Classic Connection
Meister Camera

Leica Shop Vienna

Leica Store Lisse

Red Dot Cameras


Map Camera