Update on the Leica Q3 camera customization

The Leica Q3 camera customization (à la carte) I reported a week ago is available (for now) only in Singapore. A reader reminded me (thanks, Mike!) that you can also customize your equipment by getting cheap camera and lens skins from Alphagvrd (see picture above). They still have a sale going on right now.

See also the previous coverage of Alphagvrd camera and lens skins for Leica gear:

Alphagvrd camera skins for Leica Sofort 2 camera now available

New Leica MP camera skins are now available (coupon code included)

New Leica camera and lens skins from Alphagvrd (for M11, Q, Q2, and SL2 cameras)

Alphagvrd camera skin for Leica Q3 (now 25% off)