Tag Archives: New: IDS foldable thumb grips rest for Leica M10 M11 cameras

The IDS Works Foldable Thumb Grip (Thumb Rest) is now available for Leica M10, M11, M240, M9, Q3, and Q2 cameras

     IDS Works (Initial Design Studio) now has the Foldable Thumb Grip (Thumb Rest) available for Leica M10, M11, M240, M9, Q3, and Q2 cameras – before the Thumb Rest was available only for the Leica M10 + M11 models: New: IDS foldable thumb grips (thumb rest) for Leica M10 + M11 cameras IDS […]

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New: IDS foldable thumb grips (thumb rest) for Leica M10 + M11 cameras

IDS Works (Initial Design Studio) announced new foldable thumb grips (thumb rest) for Leica M10 + M11 cameras. Additional information and pictures:

Posted in Leica Accessories, Leica M10, Leica M10 Monochrom, Leica M10-D, Leica M10-P, Leica M10-R, Leica M11, Leica M11 Monochrom, Leica M11-P | Also tagged | 3 Comments