The new Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses for Leica L-mount and Leica M-mount are now available for purhcase in the US:
The first new Meyer-Optik Trioplan 100mm f/2.8 II lens with revised Triplet optical design is available also for Leica M and L mounts. The new lens can be purchased at B&H Photo and at meyer-optik-goerlitz.com. Additional information including specifications and sample photos can be found here. Meyer Optik Görlitz was supposed to announce six new lenses at the 2020 […]
A few months ago I had the chance to take a few sample photos with the Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50mm f/2.9 lens for Leica M-mount (check the latest pricing and availability at B&H and Adorama). The first thing I have to mention is that this lens is not rangefinder-coupled and focusing is possible only with focus peaking […]
Meyer Optik has a new Trioplan 50 f/2.9 Classic lens for Leica M-mount that will be the first Trioplan lens that supports rangefinder coupling. Additional info: Estimated shipping date: October 2018 Launch price is €799 for the first 50 pieces sold, €899 for the next 100, MSRP will be €1,499 (including VAT) The new Trioplan 50 […]
Meyer Optik will start a new Kickstart campaign for their latest APO Makro 105mm f/2.7 lens that will be available also for Leica M-mount but without the rangefinder coupling (focusing in live view). Additional information can be found over at PhotoRumors.com. Previous Meyer Optik blog posts can be found here.
Next week on Tuesday (March 27th) Meyer Optik Goerlitz will start the pre-sale of their new Nocturnus 50mm f/0.95 II lens that will now be available also for Leica M-mount and Fuji X-mount in addition to the already announced Sony E-mount version (priced at $2,999). The Leica M version of the lens will not have […]
The Meyer-Optik Trioplan 100mm f/2.8 is a full frame lens that is known for its “soap bubble bokeh”. The lens was born from a Kickstarted project in 2015 that raised almost $360,000 and is now available for purchase at B&H. The lens comes in many different mounts, including Leica M. Limited edition titanium and gold […]
All five Meyer-Optik Gorlitz lenses for Leica M mount are now available for pre-order in the US. The prices are as follow: Meyer-Optik Gorlitz 2,9/50 Trioplan lens: $1,499.00 Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Primoplan 58mm f/1.9 lens: $1,599.00 Meyer-Optik Gorlitz Primoplan 75mm f/1.9 lens: $1,999.00 Meyer-Optik Gorlitz 2,8/100 Trioplan lens: $1,599.00 Meyer-Optik Gorlitz 2,8/100 Trioplan Limited Titan lens: $1,999.00