Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison *UPDATED*

I did a quick Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison where you can clearly see that the M10 has better low light capabilities compared to the almost two years old Q:

Update – I had to process the M10 files again because Adobe Lightroom automatically adds luminance noise reduction by default (this is not the case with the DNG files from the Q). Without the applied luminance noise reduction, the M10 high ISO files are just slightly better than the Q.

ISO 12,500

Leica Q @ ISO 12,500:

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

Leica M10 @ ISO 12,500 (without luminance noise reduction):

I had to process the M10 files again because Adobe Lightroom automatically adds luminance noise reduction by default, while this was not the case with the Q files.

Leica M10 @ ISO 12,500 (luminance noise reduction automatically applied by Lightroom):

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

ISO 25,000

Leica Q @ ISO 25,000:

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

Leica M10 @ ISO 25,000 (without luminance noise reduction):

I had to process the M10 files again because Adobe Lightroom automatically adds luminance noise reduction by default, while this was not the case with the Q files.

Leica M10 @ ISO 25,000 (luminance noise reduction automatically applied by Lightroom)::

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

ISO 50,000

Leica Q @ ISO 50,000:

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

Leica M10 @ ISO 50,000 (without luminance noise reduction):

I had to process the M10 files again because Adobe Lightroom automatically adds luminance noise reduction by default, while this was not the case with the Q files.

Leica M10 @ ISO 50,000 (luminance noise reduction automatically applied by Lightroom)::

Leica Q vs. Leica M10 high ISO comparison

The original DNG files from this test can be downloaded here, the JPG files are on flickr.

Few additional random Leica M10 sample photos can also be found on flickr.

For additional Leica M10 coverage please follow the new Leica M10 camera Facebook group and the Leica M10 camera Facebook page. Leica M10 pre-order links:

US Worldwide
Leica Boutique Palm Beach
Leica Store San Francisco
Leica Store Miami
Classic Connection
Meister Camera (Germany)
Reddotcameras (UK)
MKKamera (Hong Kong)
Rangefinder (Hong Kong)
9days (Hong Kong)
Map Camera (Japan)
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