New Leica codename “Warp” discovered – likely the rumored SL3-S

I already reported that Leica will soon announce a new Leica SL3-S camera:

A member of the LUF forum who was reverse-engineering the proprietary Leica PTP extensions discovered a new Leica codename “Warp” that is most likely for the rumored SL3-S camera:

The first clue is that the app seems to be configured with a solo feature flag to hide or show Warp in the list of cameras. We can see the flag mechanism in action in the app boot up code:

    kotlin.jvm.internal.k.f(deliverToView, "$this$deliverToView");
    boolean a10 = this.f15825e.f15832n.f41104a.a("sso_skip_enabled");
    C0917i c0917i3 = (C0917i) deliverToView;
    if (c0917i3.getActivity() == null) {
        dh.d.f23787a.m("Activity is null - do not show app introduction", new Object[0]);
    } else if (c0917i3.requireActivity().isFinishing()) {
        dh.d.f23787a.m("Activity is finishing - do not show app introduction", new Object[0]);

where f41104a is the flag provider and “sso_skip_enabled” is the flag that is checked. This flag isn’t relevant to this discussion (it skips the login). But there is another:

public final List a() {
    Sd.b bVar = EnumC1605D.f24471Z;
    Md.b e9 = Ld.r.e();
    if (this.f24626a.f41104a.a("warp_enabled")) {
    return Ld.q.X(bVar, Ld.q.w0(Ld.r.d(e9)));

This snippet assembles the camera list, and if the flag isn’t set, it’ll boot Warp from the list. This implies that some people, either just Leica or likely testers, have access to the device and can use it with Fotos.

Here’s where the list item (f24475u) is coming from – notice the proximity to the SL3, which is mirrored with the SL2 & SL2-S setup:

EnumC1605D enumC1605D4 = new EnumC1605D("LeicaWarp", 3, "WARP", bVar3, R.string.camera_model_name_warp, R.string ...)
f24475u = enumC1605D4;
EnumC1605D enumC1605D5 = new EnumC1605D("LeicaSL3", 4, "SL3", Oc.b.f9880C, R.string.camera_model_name_picard, R....)
f24476v = enumC1605D5;
Oc.b bVar4 = Oc.b.f9879B;
EnumC1603B enumC1603B = EnumC1603B.f24441f;
C1607a c1607a2 = new C1607a(z10, i10);
d0 d0Var = new d0(true, Ld.J.n(b0Var), Ld.J.n(c0Var));
EnumC1631z enumC1631z3 = EnumC1631z.f24660t;
EnumC1605D enumC1605D6 = new EnumC1605D("LeicaSL2S", 5, "SL2-S", bVar4, R.string.camera_model_name_sl2s, R.strin...)
f24477w = enumC1605D6;
EnumC1605D enumC1605D7 = new EnumC1605D("LeicaSL2", 6, "SL2", Oc.b.f9878A, R.string.camera_model_name_sl2, R.str...)
f24478x = enumC1605D7;

At this point, I’m pretty convinced this is an SL camera. But to confirm, we can dig deeper and take a look at how picard (SL3) is used in Fotos. The remote shooting mode for picard is unique, in that it has discrete continuous drive mode configuration flags. Only the Q3 shares this feature. Helpfully, the flags tell you exactly what you get:

public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_02fps = 0x7f140448;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_04fps = 0x7f140449;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_05fps = 0x7f14044a;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_06fps = 0x7f14044b;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_07fps = 0x7f14044c;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_09fps = 0x7f14044d;
public static final int picard_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_15fps = 0x7f14044e;

Other cameras have more generic flags like “slow”, “fast”, etc.

And here’s what we get with Warp:

public static final int warp_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_05fps_14bit_af = 0x7f14071e;
public static final int warp_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_07fps_12bit_af = 0x7f14071f;
public static final int warp_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_15fps_12bit_af = 0x7f140720;
public static final int warp_remote_settings_drive_mode_continuous_30fps_12bit_af = 0x7f140721;

Up to 30fps with AF? Neat.

Here is the list of known Leica code names and camera models:

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