Leica price increase

Update: it seems that the price of the M9, X1 and S2 will stay unchanged, everything else will go up (including M lenses). I will try to get the complete list.

8% – 15%

All Leica products will go up in price in the US starting January 2010. The expected price increase will be between 8% to 15%. This will make the Leica M9 even more desirable and… unavailable.

Besides getting on the waiting list at your local dealer, I still believe your best chance to get a M9 is B&H:

Black M9 @ B&H

Steel Gray M9 @ B&H

If you remember my previous post – I received notifications that at least two M9s were shipped from B&H to readers of this blog – they placed their orders on November 20th. B&H did not take pre-orders before that date, so they did not have a waiting list.

Ebay currently has two M9s for sell.

Back to the prices: for example the new MSRP of the Leica D-Lux 4 will be $880 (currently selling for $699 at Amazon). I will try to get the complete price list and will post more details.

I have no information on a price increase in other countries.

A new hand strap for Leica X1 is expected. Delivery in January 2010, price: $100.


Posted in Leica D-Lux, Leica M9, Leica X | Tagged | 11 Comments

Post temporary removed

There was a lot of confusion about the Leica student program and I received a tons of emails on this topic. I am taking this post down until I can get a clarification on all the details.

Posted in Deals, Leica M9 | 12 Comments

And the winner is…

first-Leica-d-lux-4-BookThe winner of the Leica D-Lux 4 book giveaway is Chris G. Congratulations!

For the remaining readers, thanks for participating – don’t loose hope, I may have another giveaway soon. BTW Amazon is now selling the book for $13.46!

Posted in Leica D-Lux | Tagged , | 9 Comments

B&H now accepting Leica M9 orders

Update #2: as a reader mentioned in the comments section, B&H is accepting orders, not pre-orders.

Update #1: I just talked to a rep @ B&H – there was no M9 waiting list prior to today, current orders will be handled on a first-come, first-served bases. No word on when and how many M9 cameras they will be getting.

B&H just started taking orders for the Leica M9 (before the M9 was listed as coming soon). I am not sure if B&H had an existing M9 waiting list, since you could not pre-order those items before. B&H is very conservative with their order business – with other brands, they don’t list items for order unless they will have them in stock in few days (see Nikon for example). Maybe they will be getting a large M9 shipment in the next few days and this is why they listed it as “accepting 0rder”. I will try to find out more.

Black M9 @ B&H

Steel Gray M9 @ B&H


Posted in Leica M9 | 7 Comments

Leica related news/links

This is a long post – a lot is going on in Leica’s world lately and I decided to put everything in one entry(make sure you click on the “Read More” link for the rest):


The above three news entries are via the official Leica Twitter account

  • Leica M8 Limited edition for the 3rd anniversary of Leica Ginza Shop in Tokyo (via stranger_than_Tokyo):
Posted in Leica Auction Madness, Leica D-Lux, Leica M, Leica X | 1 Comment

New website: LeicaShots.com


LeicaShots.com is a new web site that features a new Leica photographer every day”:

“Unlike Flickr or the LFI Gallery, this is not a photo sharing website per se. We present a new featured Leica photographer every day, and he or she showcases only one example of their work. It doesn’t have to be their best photograph ever, buy perhaps one that means something special to them. This also makes for an interesting back story. Each photographer tells a little bit about the photo he/she submits, as well as telling us why they use a Leica. (And we do link to their Flickr photostream or personal website in case our visitors want to check out more of their work)

We started this site mainly because we love the “Leica look” and wanted to know what reasons amateurs and professionals alike would give, as to why they use Leica cameras and lenses – despite the fact that these cameras lack many “modern” technical features like auto focus and multiple PPS – as well as being rather expensive. Our featured photographers have given many interesting reasons as to why they’re Leica shooters.”

LeicaShots is not affiliated to Leica Camera AG.

Posted in Other Leica Stuff | Leave a Comment

Leica M7 Hermes limited edition no longer a rumor

Leica M7 Hermes limited edition UK price: GBP 8,550.00 (9.500,00 €), available in December 2009. US price not yet released. Full UK press release after the break:


Leica M7 Hermes limited edition at Leica Ginza shop in Tokyo

Image: flickr/stranger_than_Tokyo

Read More »

Posted in Leica M | Tagged , | 4 Comments

New Q&A session with Stefan Daniel from Leica

Every line from this Q&A session is important, so instead of me rewriting it here just go to the l-camera-forum and read the original post.

Posted in Leica M9, Leica R, Leica X | Leave a Comment