Leica S2 official press release

The official Leica S2 press release:

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Leica à la carte

Most of you are probably familiar with “Leica à la carte”.

The “Leica à la carte” program offers over 4000 different technical and styling options for the Leica M7 or Leica MP models. Every option has a price. My imaginary model end up costing me USD 6370 (it has LeicaRumors.com engraving on the back) – that’s USD 2000 premium over the regular Leica MP:


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Leica M9 listed as 18MP, full frame, price = EUR 5,500

A reputable French Leica dealer (from what I’ve been told) has listed a Leica M9 on their website as 18MP, full frame, price = EUR 5,500:


It seems that they are also taking “reservations”.

Posted in Leica M9 | 15 Comments

Leica finances (fiscal year 2008-2009)

  • In fiscal year 2008/2009 (ended March 31), Leica registered sales of EUR 134.2 million. This is a 14.1 % decrease as compared to the sales of EUR 156.2 million posted in the previous year.
  • Rudolf Spiller, Chairman of the Board of Management of Leica Camera AG: “The reasons for the decline in sales and earnings are to be found in the negative economic developments of our relevant international markets, the phasing-out of products due to their life cycles, as well as the delayed market introduction of new products.”
  • In fiscal year 2008/2009, sales of system cameras fell by 26.9 % to EUR 41.8 million. Sales of compact cameras decreased by 10.3 % to EUR 44.3 million. Leica sports optics saw a sales decline by 16.6 % to EUR 24.8 million.
  • Sales abroad stand at EUR 115.8 million or 86.4 % of total sales of Leica Camera Group. At EUR 49.1 million or 36.6 % of total sales, the Asian market is the most important individual market for Leica Camera AG, followed by the US, Canada and Mexico, which account for EUR 27.9 million or 20.8 % of total sales. Sales in the home market, Germany, fell by 15.9 % to EUR 18.3 million.
  • The average number of employees in the Leica Camera Group increased from 991 in the previous year to 1,058 in the year under review.


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Leica AG: What Leica M9?

‘We are not making any comment on any of the rumours,’ said Leica Camera Limited marketing manager Jenny Hodge.”

Via Amateurphotographer – the article also remind us that the previous CEO Steven K Lee dropped the bomb about a full frame Leica M last year.

Posted in Leica M9 | 7 Comments

Andre© Colette Leica C-Lux 3 Limited Edition

This Leica limited edition will be really limited: only 30 cameras will be available. Andre© is a famous French graffiti artist. Price for the Leica C-Lux 3 Andre© x Colette will be £424.60 500.00 VAT included/USD$ 715.15.




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Chasseur d’Image magazine: Leica M9 in September

Besides the Nikon VP650 camera with a built-in projector, the French Chasseur d’Image magazine writes in its latest issue (#316, July 21 September 21 2009) that Leica M9 will be released in September and it will be full frame. They also wrote about the Olympus EP-2.

Posted in Leica M9 | 5 Comments

Leica M9 makes a guest appearance on Capture One Pro v4.8.2


Leica M9 concept (not the real deal)

First I would like to remind you that Leica and PhaseOne are no longer partners (Capture One software is still distributed with Leica cameras). This makes the following rumor even more interesting: in the latest version Capture One Pro 4.8.2 there is a file called Leica M9-Generic.icm (for Windows under Program Files(x86)\Phase One\Capture One 4\Color Profiles\DSLR) which corresponds to a ICC profile for “Leica M9 Generic”. The result from a RAW conversion to JPG is very close to that of Canon 5D MK II. Which reminds me of another rumor: Leica M9 will use the Canon 5D Mark II sensor. I do not have the Pro version of Capture One, but if someone can make a comparison between the Leica M9 and Canon 5D MK II RAW conversion and send it to me, I would appreciate it.

I think we are getting closer to Leica M9 on 09.09.09 @ 09:09.

Click here for more Leica M9 rumors.

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