Viewfinder and flash at the same time (D-Lux 4)

This Panny has the Voigtlander 28/35 mini-finder and the lens cap mod. The point of this post @dpreview was to show that the flash can be used simultaneously with the viewfinder – same is valid for the Leica D-Lux 4.

Posted in Leica Accessories, Leica D-Lux | 6 Comments

Leica R10 – available Summer 2010

Part of an email I received yesterday (I took the first portion of the email away to protect the identity of the reader):

“… who has close ties with Leica says the R10 digital is confirmed for Summer 2010. It will be with AF, and be accompanied by new lenses of course because the R lenses were discontinued.”

The above statement matches the previous report: R10 – announced in Jan 2010, available Summer 2010.

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Leica S2 price = USD 7297?

Too low to be true in my opinion, but a Latvian website has the Leica S2 listed for 3999.00 Ls (=USD 7297). Leica has not officially announced the S2 price yet, but I know one thing – if this is the real price, they will sell a lot of S2.


Posted in Leica S | 7 Comments

Another Leica D-Lux 4 mod: Ricoh DW-6 19mm Wide Conversion Lens


Somebody @ dpreview attached the Ricoh DW-6 19mm Wide Conversion Lens to a Leica D-Lux 4 with a simple step down filter. The author claims that the tests photos were “sharp enough also at the extreme corner shooting in 16:9 format”. Here is a picture of the D-Lux 4 with the Ricoh DW-6:


Update (posted as a comment by a reader):

This brought me to an spontanous idea: i had already cut an old mountainbike-tube into slices for using the rubber rings i.e. for keeping cables rolled up. Why not using them to pimp up the 43 mm thread of the Ricoh converter, so that it sticks in the 45mm thread of the Lumix/Leica adapter? It takes two, and it fits. At last I pulled a third one (10 mm slice) around the outside and voila, everything is nice and secure in just 10 minutes time:


Posted in Leica Accessories, Leica D-Lux | 1 Comment

52mm 2.0x Telephoto for Leica D-LUX4

Another add-on for Leica D-Lux 4: 52mm 2.0x Telephoto for Leica D-LUX4.


Posted in Leica Accessories, Leica D-Lux | 2 Comments

Leica R10 in January 2010?

leicar10Update – here is a better translation:

Leica R10 is coming in January 2010

Leica R9 is now being shut down as well as the manufacture of manually focused lenses. This happens awaiting the digital R10 which will get autofocus.

For some years there was a digital back for Leica R8 and R9 called Digital Modul-R. Leica regards that upgrading the (DMR) while waiting for the fully digital camera is not profitable.

The production stop of the Leica R series was at first intended to be a temporary measure, but Leica has now decided to permanently ”trash” the existing R series, according to David Bell who is head of Leica in Great Britain.

The production resources are needed to produce the new medium format system S which is anticipated to become larger than the new R system.

The S system, fronted by the S2 camera body – is intended to be more like modern ”small frame” (digital) cameras than medium format cameras, both in terms of shape and speed. Some of the technical features – such as the autofocus – will be inherited by the new R system.

The intended customers of the S system are commercial photographers who need speed, ie within fashion, advertising and portraiture. The R system is oriented more towards well-off photo enthusiasts with a love for the brand.

I am not sure how Kamera & Bild came to this date – the google translation is horrible. Can anyone give us a better translation please?

Posted in Leica R | Tagged | 6 Comments

A full-frame digital rangefinder camera is still a future option for Leica

There is a confusion about a statement from Christian Erhardt, director of marketing for Leica USA’s Photographic Division where he “hinted strongly’ that Leica was planning a full frame version of the M8 rangefinder”.

“Steven K Lee’s comments to AP on 1 February this year suggested that Leica had discovered a way to overcome the issue of short back focus and the difficulties faced by digital sensors when light approaches from narrow angles. To announce this in February, when the product would not be shown to the rest of the world until September some eight months later seemed extraordinary.”

Read both articles at AmateurPhotographer (link1, link2).

Posted in Leica M9 | 1 Comment

Samples of Leica 24mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH & 18mm Super Elmar-M ASPH (Leica @ PMA)

At PMA, Leica was nice enough to loan David Farkas the 24mm f/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH & the 18mm Super Elmar-M ASPH for a test drive. Here are the results.

Dpreview also has few images from the Leica booth @ PMA.

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