Tag Archives: Leica Q2 Monochrom camera dead stuck pixels issue

New firmware updates for Leica Q2 and Q2 Monochrom cameras with new Pixel Mapping

As I reported earlier this month, Leica released a new firmware update for Q2 and Q2 Monochrom cameras with new Pixel Mapping functionality that should fix the dead/stuck pixels problem reported by several readers. The new firmware updates can be downloaded here. Reddotforum also has a nice and detailed article on the new firmware update.

Posted in Leica Q2, Leica Q2 Monochrom | Also tagged | Leave a Comment

Leica to release a firmware update to fix dead/stuck pixels in the Q2 Monochrom camera

I received reports from readers about a potential dead/stuck pixel issue with the Leica Q2 Monochrom camera when shooting in high ISO (between 3,200 and 16,000). Identical problems were present on multiple cameras and there is even a thread on that topic at LUF. I was told that Leica will soon release a firmware update […]

Posted in Leica Q2 Monochrom | Also tagged | 5 Comments