Tag Archives: Meyer-Optik-Görlitz

Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses now available also for Leica R-mount cameras

The existing Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses are now available also for Leica R-mount cameras (sold at B&H Photo):

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The new and improved Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 75 f/1.5 II lens for Leica M and L mount is now available

The previously reported new and improved Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 75 f/1.5 II lens for Leica M and L mount is now officially released (the full press release can be found here). Pre-orders are now open at B&H Photo (Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses are also sold at Adorama). “In the 1930s, design genius Willi Merté […]

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Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 58 f/1.5 II lens for Leica M and L mount officially released and available for order

The previously rumored Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 58 f/1.5 II lens for Leica M and L mount is now officially released and pre-orders are already open at B&H Photo (see all available MOG lenses). Here are the technical specifications:

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Coming soon: Meyer Optik Görlitz Biotar 58 f/1.5 II and Biotar 75 f/1.5 II lenses for Leica M and L mounts

Meyer Optik Görlitz will soon release new Biotar 58 f/1.5 II and Biotar 75 f/1.5 II lenses for Leica M and L mounts. The Biotar II lenses were initially expected last year. Here are the details:

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Announced today: Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 35mm f/2.8 II lens for Leica M and L mounts

Today Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan released their new 35mm f/2.8 II lens for Leica M (not rangefinder coupled) and L mounts: Pre-orders: Adorama | B&H Photo Press release Product page Previous Meyer Optik Görlitz lenses for Leica Meyer Optik Görlitz announced a new manufacturing facility in Hamburg and plan for future lenses

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Released: Meyer Optik Görlitz Primoplan 75mm f/1.9 II lens for Leica M-mount

The new and updated Meyer Optik Görlitz Primoplan 75mm f/1.9 II lens for Leica M-mount is now officially released and available for pre-order: Mounts: Canon EF, Fuji X, Leica M, M42, MFT, Nikon F, Pentax K, Sony E Aperture: f1.9 – f16 Focal length: 75mm Filter diameter: 52mm Minimum object distance: 0,75 m Rangefinder Coupling […]

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The new Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50 f/2.8 II lens for Leica L and Leica M mounts is now available

The new Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50 f/2.8 II lens for Leica L and Leica M mounts is now available at B&H. Additional information, including sample photos and the full press release, can be found here. A quick report on the previous version of that lens (Meyer Optik Görlitz Trioplan 50mm f/2.9) can be found here: […]

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The new Meyer Optik Görlitz Lydith 30mm f/3.5 II lens for Leica L and M mounts was officially released today

The new Meyer Optik Görlitz Lydith 30mm f/3.5 II lens was officially released today and it is available also for Leica L and M mounts (price: €876.34):

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