We just launched this bog and already received few skeptical emails about this site, which is fine – we like constructive criticism (we got some encouraging messages too). Rumors sites cannot deliver new rumors every day starting with the first post. Like everything else it will take time to analyze our sources and start collecting some credible information. You will be surprised of the amount and quality of information we are now receiving at NikonRumors. Over time ,we will be able to accomplish the same results here. Yes, we did report on some old Leica rumors, but we have some catching up to do.
Someone mentioned that we are just following the news already reported on other sites. This is partially true, but in NikonRumos we were the first one to deliver on many rumors and most of them turned out to be true – the latest picture of Nikon D90 is a good example (of course we still do not know if it is the real deal). We do believe we were the first one to publish it. Of course many other sites picked on it, but if you look at the time stamps and follow the source links, they all go back to NR. Remember the Nikon D700? Just over a month ago very few readers believed this story and now photographers are already shooting with it.
Why we are saying all this? Just one reason/request: please be patient, don’t judge a book by its cover and give us some time.