The Leica Q (Typ 116) camera is currently AUD$5,546 or AUD$354 off (regular price: AUD$5,900). This makes the price of the Q around US$4,000 (the price in the US is US$4,250). This offer will be valid till the end of September.
The Leica Q (Typ 116) camera is currently AUD$5,546 or AUD$354 off (regular price: AUD$5,900). This makes the price of the Q around US$4,000 (the price in the US is US$4,250). This offer will be valid till the end of September.
I received an unusual email from Ralph Nelson (www.ralphnelson.com) – he is trading his two Leica M-4 bodies with sequential serial numbers and three Summicron lenses (35mm, 50mm, 90mm) for a set of current Leica M bodies and lenses. His M4 film set has been used on many Hollywood films in the past 45 years. If you are interested in […]
Leica Akademie UK announced new workshops: Following in the footsteps of the original German Akademie dating back to 1934, the Leica Akademie UK offers a collection of workshops that aims to inspire a new generation of photographers and help capture the ‘decisive moment’ through a Leica lens. A premier learning resource for Leica users, Leica […]
The new web series called Betterthandead is filmed entirely on a Leica MP Safari camera. Here is the link to the Betterthandead episode and trailer: On October 16th the director/photographer Mark de Paola will also be releasing Three Tutus And A Gun, an original feature film, filmed entirely with the Leica M240 camera. Here is the trailer:
My name is Markus Andersen, I am a Sydney, Australia based fine art photographer who uses Leica gear. My work, art practice and use of Leica gear was featured in a short documentary called “Into The Belly of The Beast”. I now have my first published book called “Rage Against The Light” on urban street / documentary […]
The Leica M Monochrom camera is now $2,000 off – a bigger saving than the previously available 12% discount (currently available at B&H, Adorama and Amazon). This Monochrom model is already out of stock at many retailers and I believe this is the last clearance sale before this model will be discontinued. Leica announced a new Leica […]