Leica T and LFI apps updated

New versions of the Leica T and LFI apps were released:

Leica T iOS app
Leica T app for iOS version 1.2.3: iPhone | iPad (the new version fixes a problem with manual control of the camera).

Leica LFI app
LFI app for iOS version 3.0: iPhone | iPad (with a free LFI reading sample of issue 2/1954):

LFI reading sample of issue 2-1954

In addition to improved functionality, the new version of the LFI App also has improved visuals. On the App’s new start page you can now see all the areas of the LFI Gallery at one glance. From there it is easy to navigate your way through the whole gallery.

The new version also has additional content features. The LFI blog segment that has been running since Photokina 2014, now has its own section, which includes all the contributions that have appeared in the App to date.

The new LFI App with the first collection of old issues of LFI (1949-1959) is ready for iPad users to download. Each digital magazine comes with a preview, a subject index, and a search function. The old issues are immediately available for an introductory price of 99 euro cents, per magazine.  

There is a free reading sample of issue 2/1954 on the App. It features photokina 1954, when the Leica M3 was introduced. Dive into the charming world of Leica in the fifties.

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