Few days ago I posted on Facebook the official brochure of the new Leica M3D-5 limited film camera (click on images for larger view):
Update #1: few days ago I posted on Facebook the official Leica M3D limited film camera brochure. Update #2: LFI magazine also has an article on the new camera. Three weeks ago Leica Camera quietly announced a new limited edition M3D-5 David Douglas Duncan film camera – a remake of the original M3D. Only 16 pieces of the […]
The three most expensive Leica cameras from a serial production sold at the latest Westlicht auction for a total of €3.6 million: With a price of 1,680,000 Euro the legendary M3D (opening bid: 150,000 Euros) owned by the LIFE photographer and Picasso intimate David Douglas Duncan is the most expensive camera from a serial production […]
The 22nd WestLicht Camera Auction will take place on Saturday, November 24, 2012, 11am. Preview will start on Wednesday, November 21, daily 10 am – 6 pm. Here are the details: After the sensational world record auction this past May – a Leica 0-Series achieved a price of 2,160,000 EUR – the amazing offers of the 22nd […]