Tag Archives: Leitz Ur-Leica

Leica Museum report (Ur-Leica, Leica M for RED prototype, Leica M6 prototype for Queen Elizabeth)

Leica M for (RED) prototype by Johnny Ive and Mark Newson

DC.Watch (Google translation) published a report from the new Leica Museum, including some interesting and uniques Leica cameras:

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Leitz Ur-Leica versus Leica TL2/CL/M10 size comparison

Apotelyt.com has a new tool call CAM-parator that let’s you compare different cameras side by side (similar to camerasize.com). Here is the Leitz Ur-Leica versus Leica TL2 size comparison:

Posted in Leica CL, Leica TL2 | Also tagged | Leave a Comment