Some Leica camera porn

Custom case for Leica M9 Titanium made by camera-hirano (Japan):

This is the rest of the Xinhai revolution limited edition Leica cameras for the Chinese market. The serial numbers of the M9-P are from 1911 to 2011. The price is $88k HKD (about $11000 USD):

Leica UK confirmed that the Leica D-Lux 5 Titanium is not made out of real titanium, it just has titanium color. The Leica M9-T however was made out of titanium.

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Leica M8 camera Halloween costume

Halloween is already over, but Nikon was not the only camera costume this year – check out this Leica M8 costume from Aaron Piazza (WebTumblr | Flickr):

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Water resistant Leica S lens demo

It’s fun to watch this on a $30k+ camera and lens combo:

Water resistant Leica lens from Shoot The Centerfold on Vimeo.

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Leica M to Sony E mount Helicoid adapter now available for sale

An update on the Leica M to Sony E mount Helicoid adapter that has build-in focus helicoid that could turn your Leica M lens into a macro lens: Hawk’s factory in Taiwan is already producing it and it’s now available for sale on eBay for $179:


Via Egami & eBay

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Two new offerings from LFI: S-Magazine and S-League

The latest news from Leica Camera on the S system:

A new website from LFI offers professional photographers a platform to show off their work to a large international audience.

The website “” presents current ad campaigns and editorial photo series from international pros that were created using the Leica S-System.

Beyond that, the S-League reflects current trends in modern commercial photography – from fashion and beauty to interior design and still lifes.

Professional photographers can submit their current campaigns and editorials created using the S-System in the “Apply & Take Part” section. The best entries will be published on the site.

At the same time, you can also apply to rent an S-System free of charge.

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Ricoh A12 M-mount unit for the GXR system now shipping in the US

The Ricoh A12 M-mount unit for GXR cameras is now shipping in the US. Popflash currently has few pieces in stock.

The Ricoh GXR AF assist shows a high-contrast representation of the scene for better manual focus. There is no focus confirmation:

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Top 10 posts for October 2011

Those are the top 10 most visited LeicaRumors posts for October 2011:

  1. Will Fuji use Leica’s M mount for their upcoming mirrorless camera?
  2. Leica M10 wish list.
  3. The story of the 350kg stainless steel “Fake Leica”.
  4. Interesting interview with Stefan Daniel.
  5. Tamarkin auction to include the “Leica Gun” and Hemingway’s Leica camera.
  6. Leica M9-P silver red leather set limited edition camera.
  7. Leica M7 Xinhai Revolution limited edition launched in China.
  8. Leica announces Leica D-Lux 5 Titanium ‘Special Edition’
  9. Leica D-Lux 6 may have a larger sensor.
  10. New Leica M9 firmware update to fix SD card compatibility issues.
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Leica Elmarit-S 30mm f/2.8 ASPH wide angle lens announced

Solms, Germany (October 27, 2011)  – Leica Camera AG expands the range of lenses for the Leica S-System with the new Leica Elmarit-S 30mm f/2.8 ASPH wide angle lens. With this latest addition, the portfolio of lenses for the professional S-System is now comprised of five focal lengths. The fastest medium format lens in this focal length, the Leica Elmarit-S 30mm f/2.8 ASPH will be available beginning December 2011.

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