Leica M9 microsite, brochure and more Leica X1 info

Leica M9 minisite complete set of screenshots

Leica M9 brochure

Direct Leica M9 brochure download (PDF)


The above Leica X1 pictures were extracted from the Leica M9 brochure (page 42).

Posted in Leica M9, Leica X | 30 Comments

Another Leica M9 picture

Posted in Leica M9 | 14 Comments

Leica X1 specs?

Update: I think this rumor is now busted. Those specs do not match the Leica X1 expectation (X1 will not be a M4/3 camera and will have a fixed lens).


Read More »

Posted in Leica X | 19 Comments

Leica M9 picture on dpreview

A picture of what appears to be a black Leica M9 appeared on dpreview today. Here is the direct link to the host (photobucket) – update: image was removed.

Thanks for the tip Naomi!

At the same time Leica UK had not comments on the latest M9 and X1 leaks.

Posted in Leica M9 | 4 Comments

Leica AG registered the trademark “X1” in July, 2009

On July 21 2009, Leica AG registered the trademark “X1”:


Posted in Leica X | 11 Comments

Youtube Leica video has a Leica X1 tag

We all have seen this video by now:

What we didn’t know is that this video was tagged with the “Leica X1” keyword (Leica M9 tag is missing):


The video was uploaded on August 31st, before the Leica X1 leak.

Thanks J.

Posted in Leica X | 4 Comments

Is this the Leica R-mount solution?

Stefan Daniel (Leica Product Manager) said that “there will be a good solution that allows us to use our R-lenses on a digital body.” Today Panasonic announced the GF1 M4/3 camera and with it a R-mount adapter:


Here is the Leica R mount lens compatibility table:


Here are some pictures of this adapter in action:




Images via stranger_than_Tokyo @ flickr

Posted in Leica R | Tagged | 8 Comments

Leica M9 made a brief appearance in Japan

The site was taken down, but not before Google cached it. This is the original leica-camera.co.jp link and the corresponding English translation.


Posted in Leica M9 | 7 Comments