The story behind the new Ninety Nine Years Leica book

 New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica  New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica  New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica

 New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica  New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica  New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica

Leica Camera posted on their blog today an interesting interview with the company’s CEO Alfred Schopf where he explained how the new Ninety Nine Years Leica book came to life:

Where did the idea of celebrating 99 years of Leica Camera instead of the traditional 100 years come from?

A: Leica seems to have more than a close connection with the number 9. On 09/09/09 there were 9 products shown and released to the public, which was a significant milestone in the development of Leica on the path towards success. Especially with the introduction of the Leica M9, one of the products introduced on this date and another nod to the number 9.

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2013 calendar of historic Leica cameras has two different versions of this 2013 calendar featuring beautiful images of historic Leica cameras for sale. The 11″ x 17″ calendar costs $17.49, while the 13 1/2″ x 19″ sells for $29.49.

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Leica 90mm f/1.0 lens, Noctilux coffee mug, MS-Optical Sonnetar 50mm f/1.1 review

A reader sent me a link to this rare Leica 90mm f/1.0 lens currently listed on eBay that was developed for x-ray use. The original 90mm f/1 Elcan lens was developed by Leica Canada (Elcan from Ernst Leitz CANada) for the American Army/Navy and comes with a focusing mechanism and interchangeable fix-focus rings, as can be seen on this picture. This is how the lens looks mounted on a Leica M camera:

Also seen on eBay – a Noctilux coffee mug:

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Win a new Leica X2 camera with “A story with available light” photography contest

Here is the detailed info of a new photography contest “A story with available light” by LeicaImages and Popflash where you can win a Leica X2 camera:

LeicaImages, the online photo gallery of images captured with world class Leica cameras and optics is pleased to announce it’s annual photography contest for 2012. Once again, the prize will be provided by PopFlash. Thanks to Tony Rose, the owner of , who is a USA Authorized Leica dealer, the winner will receive a new Leica X2 camera.

The theme this year will be “A story with available light”. Creating a dramatic image which is enhanced by the use of available natural or artificial light. Simply put, this means no flash photography. The image should draw your attention and keep you interested by the story you can imagine from it and the impact the light has on the subject. Put your imagination and creative skills to work.

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Leica M9 and M9-P gift card promotions extended through January 31, 2013

Leica Camera has extended the gift card promotion for M9 and M9-P cameras till January 31, 2013. For the next two months you will be able to purchase a Leica M9 for $6,495 and Leica M9-P for $6,995 (same price as the new M). Some resellers on Amazon have the M9 listed for around $6,300. Used M9 cameras can be found for as low as $4,400. The price of new M-E model remains unchanged at $5,450.

B&H now has the new Leica M listed as available on February 28, 2013:

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Posted in Leica M9, Leica M9-P | 11 Comments

Top 10 LeicaRumors posts for November 2012




Those are the top 10 most visited LeicaRumors posts for November 2012:

  1. First Leica M sample images?
  2. SLR Magic HyperPrime 35mm f/0.95 and 24mm f/1.4 lenses for Leica M cancelled
  3. Leica M Monochrom: American Photo editor’s choice award
  4. Adobe Camera Raw 7.3 release candidates now with Leica R lenses support
  5. The three most expensive serial production Leica cameras sold for €3.6 million at the latest Westlicht auction
  6. This Leica M7 Titanium three lens kit is listed for $223,130 on eBay
  7. New book: Ninety Nine Years Leica
  8. A quick look at the Leica M settings, menu and live view focusing (video)
  9. Leica M-E trade up promo
  10. Cartier-Bresson: “A question of Color” expo starts in London today
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Leica APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2.0 ASPH lens delayed

Today Leica Camera sent an update for the delay of the APO-Summicron-M 50mm f/2.0 ASPH lens ($7,195.00). No specific delivery date was given:

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Humor: “The Mirrorless Party”

I already posted this video from The Camera Store on my other blog yesterday, but I believe it is worth sharing it with the Leica community as well.

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